Canada Post Admail

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Distributing product samples by mail has never been easier with Dimensional Admail via Canada Post, USPS Call Us: (416) 412 1294 .Admail is a trademark owned by Canada Post Corporation. On September 22, 2014, Canada Post unveiled Snap Admail™, an all-in-one online tool that is aimed to support small businesses in the creation and execution of direct-marketing campaigns. Tracking Numbers / Barcodes Further information: S10 (UPU standard).

Each item in an Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) mailing must have the same size, shape, type of envelope and physical characteristics and originate from one sender. Only the thickness, weight and colour of the exterior covers may vary. Both the address of the addressee and return address printing and location must be in accordance with addressing specifications.

If address labels are used, the address must be placed firmly on the envelope, plastic wrap, insert or card where it can be easily read. The address labels should be light in colour: white, pale yellow or beige. We use a high-quality glue on the labels so that they do not come off the item during mailing.

Canada post ad mail

The return address may vary, provided that either the physical return address or the name of the person or business to which items are to be returned remains constant on each item.

Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Tips:
Return address(es) must be located either:
  • on the same side of the item as the delivery address, in the upper left-hand corner (preferred location); or
  • on the back of the item, near the top edge and centered between the left and right edges.

If a return address is used, it must be Canadian. Dual return addresses are also acceptable onPersonalized Mail (Addressed Admail) items as long as there is one Canadian return address. However, if either the Return to Sender or Address Correction service option is requested, there must be only one return address showing and it must be Canadian.

Addressing Standards

Every item in a mailing of Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) must be addressed to a specific individual or to a company name or to a non-personalized descriptor including Occupant or similar wording. Each item must include the complete address, including the valid postal code for that address.

Canada post snap admail

Canada Post Unaddressed Admail


Canada post admail rates

We may only use Canada Post authorized postal indicia, logos, trademarks, or other markings under special Agreement with Canada Post. These markings must appear on the front of the mail item in an area specified by Canada Post. Designs likely to be mistaken for postage stamps, franking impressions, or service labels are not permitted on the address side of Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) items. Preprinted labels and endorsements must be directed to the addressee as an instruction related to the enclosure, and cannot in any way imply special handling, speed of delivery or other services by Canada Post.

Labels, endorsements and borders should not duplicate accepted and/or copyrighted names used by Canada Post.

Also in this section:

Canada Post Admail Requirements

There are many restrictions for Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – we can help you avoid all the mistakes.

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The return address may vary, provided that either the physical return address or the name of the person or business to which items are to be returned remains constant on each item.

Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) Tips:
Return address(es) must be located either:
  • on the same side of the item as the delivery address, in the upper left-hand corner (preferred location); or
  • on the back of the item, near the top edge and centered between the left and right edges.

If a return address is used, it must be Canadian. Dual return addresses are also acceptable onPersonalized Mail (Addressed Admail) items as long as there is one Canadian return address. However, if either the Return to Sender or Address Correction service option is requested, there must be only one return address showing and it must be Canadian.

Addressing Standards

Every item in a mailing of Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) must be addressed to a specific individual or to a company name or to a non-personalized descriptor including Occupant or similar wording. Each item must include the complete address, including the valid postal code for that address.

Canada Post Unaddressed Admail


We may only use Canada Post authorized postal indicia, logos, trademarks, or other markings under special Agreement with Canada Post. These markings must appear on the front of the mail item in an area specified by Canada Post. Designs likely to be mistaken for postage stamps, franking impressions, or service labels are not permitted on the address side of Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) items. Preprinted labels and endorsements must be directed to the addressee as an instruction related to the enclosure, and cannot in any way imply special handling, speed of delivery or other services by Canada Post.

Labels, endorsements and borders should not duplicate accepted and/or copyrighted names used by Canada Post.

Also in this section:

Canada Post Admail Requirements

There are many restrictions for Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – we can help you avoid all the mistakes.

Get a Quote Today

Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) is an integral part of the marketing mix for small, medium and large businesses in a wide range of industry segments, including: automotive, government, finance and insurance, e-commerce, retail, pharmaceutical, consumer packaged goods, not-for-profit, utilities, publishers, real estate, travel and transportation. Businesses of all sizes use Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) to achieve successful business results.

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Micro Mailing Canada has helped hundreds of businesses of all sizes deliver measurable and cost-effective mailing solutions by using Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) – we have the experience and equipment to process your advertising campaign of any size via mail. Contact us today!

We're here to help you get the most out of your direct mail campaign. Pcalc widget big sur.

Additional references from Canada Post:
Format Your Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) for Optimal Results
Take a closer look at what is involved in composing a successful Personalized Mail (Addressed Admail) campaign with Canada Post and our Direct Mail Solutions.

Canada Post Admail

Micro Mailing Canada

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