Monitor Gpu And Cpu Temps

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  1. Display Cpu And Gpu Temps On Desktop
  2. Monitor Gpu And Cpu Temp App
  3. Program To Monitor Gpu And Cpu Temp
  4. Cpu And Gpu Temperature Overlay
  5. Monitoring Gpu And Cpu Temps
  6. Monitor Cpu And Gpu Temps Reddit

From my experience MSI afterburner does not monitor cpu temp/usage. Only gpu 4.2GHZ VALIDATION, GALLERY, Most expensive software you own (clicky thread ) Intel Core i5 760 2.8GHZ @3.3ghz(4C),Asus P7H55/USB3,Antec TP550 80+bronze,Gigabyte GTX 570 SOC@955/2120 1050MV,windows 3.1,8GB DDR3 1333MHZ @1450mhz, 500gb hdd, 160gb. So, does MSI Afterburner show CPU temp? You can use it not only to tweak your GPU but also to monitor all the hardware that you have. It is a one-stop-shop for everything. You can track the CPU and GPU temps, usage, and clock speeds through MSI Afterburner. Here a real-time CPU and GPU temperature monitor is recommended to help acquire in-game temps - Smart Game Booster. It displays your CPU and GPU temperature inside the games, also gives the details of the motherboard temperature and fan speed. MacOS: Monitor Your CPU Temperature with Fanny. If you're using a Mac, iStat Menus is widely regarded as the best system monitoring app around, and if you're an advanced user looking to keep an.

Your GPU temperature getting too high can be a sign of more serious problems developing under the hood. Therefore, it's crucial to keep that in check, especially when your GPU is under a lot of strain, for example, due to resource-heavy games. Here's how to monitor your GPU temperature.

Why Is It Important To Monitor Your GPU Temperature?

There are different reasons why you need to monitor your GPU temperature, but they all boil down to that old bare necessity – getting the best performance.

Related:Best GPU Temperature For Gaming


If you've tried overclocking your GPU, you will certainly need to keep a close eye on the temperature that your graphics card's slightly faster clock is producing. In fact, keeping the temperature of the GPU in that sweet spot is actually necessary when overclocking the GPU.

Nowadays, video card manufacturers are very aware of the overclocking community in the tech world. This has led them to carefully design their graphics cards to accommodate overclocking while also keeping their product's integrity intact.

Display Cpu And Gpu Temps On Desktop

A key thing you may need to consider when overclocking your GPU is the need for additional cooling. This is the key to keeping your GPU running at an optimal temperature. In fact, if you're experiencing overheating, this is probably the first thing you should consider in order to fix the problem.

Playing Resource-Heavy Games

Even if you're simply playing a game with a higher quality in terms of graphics for a longer period of time, it might cause strain on the GPU, which can in turn lead to more severe problems.

The key here is knowing just how well your graphics card can handle the load. In many situations, your GPU will fit the minimum system requirements or even recommended system requirements but will have trouble running the game at higher graphical settings for a few hours.

Related:How To Check If Your PC Can Run A PC Game

Depending on how long you ignore the obvious problems while playing (like stuttering or beeping from inside the PC case), you're looking at different levels of damage. Luckily, most modern GPUs are built in a way that prevents the graphics card from causing actual physical damage by turning it off before things get too heated.

Of course, that doesn't stop other related machinery from malfunctioning. Also, the GPU shutting off when hitting dangerous temperatures doesn't completely prevent it from getting damaged. Ignoring the problem and having the GPU shut off on you multiple times can wreck the card and force you to look for a replacement.

Best Ways To Monitor Your GPU Temperature

As mentioned earlier, an overheating GPU can cause some serious issues. Fortunately, there are multiple ways to keep an eye on the GPU temperature and ensure that it doesn't cross that dangerous threshold.

Each of these options has its pros and cons and we hope to inform you well enough on them so you can make a personal and informed decision.

Manufacturer-Specific Software

Both AMD and Nvidia have companion software for their graphics cards. This is mostly used for stuff like keeping your drivers up to date and enabling some additional performance-enhancing features specific to the respective brand.

Despite having really good options to get the best out of your GPU, neither AMD nor Nvidia have a built-in overclocking tool in their software. However, we're not here to discuss that, but rather the monitoring of the GPU temperature.

Interestingly enough, AMD does have a decent GPU temperature monitoring tool, while Nvidia doesn't have one at all.

However, there have been widespread speculations around the internet regarding the accuracy of the temperature reading. Many have considered AMD 'simply a corporation' and believe that they would falsify the temperature measuring tool. Of course, there's nothing to gain from this for AMD, so you can feel free to ignore these rumours and use AMD's tool.

Third-Party Solutions

With technological developments, there were logically just as many enthusiastic people willing to learn all of the ins and outs of how a PC works. Thanks to them, we got component monitoring software, some of which are still in use to this day.

Disclaimer: most of these tools will come with some other functions, enabling you to monitor other parts of your PC as well, which is always a plus.


HWMonitor is a relatively old tool, but it's still incredibly reliable. Besides the ability to monitor the GPU temperature, HWMonitor can also help you keep an eye out on voltages and fan speed on other PC hardware like the CPU, hard drive and the motherboard.

Open Hardware Monitor

This tool is another old-school looking piece of software, but just as reliable as the first one. Unlike HWMonitor, it can also keep your RAM in check, but most importantly in today's context, it allows you to manually adjust the fan speed.

This is actually quite useful as the fan speed isn't always automatically adjusted when the card is under more strain, and at the cost of extra electricity, you can crank up those RPMs and enjoy a smooth gaming experience.


Remaining in line with the old school software, SpeedFan is another reliable solution. Besides the standard monitoring of voltage, fan speed and temperature, it can adjust the RPM of fans as well as help to reduce the noise.

MSI Afterburner

It's impossible to talk about hardware monitoring software without mentioning MSI Afterburner.

This tool is the perfect solution when trying to measure the performance of your GPU while you're playing the game as it features a nifty overlay that tells you exactly how hot your GPU temperature is.

Of course, you're not going to run every game all the time with this overlay, but it's a perfect solution for a stress test that can help you to either adjust your in-game settings or fan speed, something MSI Afterburner can also do.

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Monitor Gpu And Cpu Temp App

Having an ideal CPU or GPU temperature is really important for the smooth running of applications. Modern PC software might depend on more than one cores of your CPU to work properly. So overheating your CPU or GPU might cause malfunctioning. Therefore, you need the best temperature monitoring software to avoid any hardware malfunctioning.

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Program To Monitor Gpu And Cpu Temp

  • 1 The Best CPU & GPU Temp Monitors to Install in Your PC
  • 2 FAQs Related to Temp Monitor Programs

The Best CPU & GPU Temp Monitors to Install in Your PC

Here are some of the highly rated temp monitor applications for PC hardware.

1. CPU-Z | The Best All-Time Hardware Monitor Tool

No doubt, CPU-Z is one of the best tools out there to monitor your hardware specs and temperature. We personally use this software for everyone who has zero knowledge of using monitoring software.

Not only it gives you the details about the current temperature of all cores on your CPU but also gives you other insights about your hardware. To monitor your GPU temperature, you have to install the 'GPU-Z' version of this application.

2. HW Monitor | The Easy to Use CPU & Graphics Card Temp Monitoring Application

One of the most ideal hardware monitoring tools out there. HW Monitor can measure the temperature and voltage of your PC. hardware. It can also give you a peek at the temperature of your video card and hard drive.

This temp monitoring software gives you a detailed insight into the overall health of your machine. If you buy the Pro version of this software, you will get access to 10 remote connections.

Cpu And Gpu Temperature Overlay

We highly recommend this hardware monitoring tool if you have a setup of servers or workstations. By installing the Pro version, you can remotely access this software and keep an eye on your hardware.

3. Core Temp | Real-time Monitoring For Intel & AMD CPUs

If you really want a quick insight into your CPU cores, then this application makes up a great deal. There are very programs like these that give you insight into the minimum and maximum temperature of your CPU in real-time.

This software access the data from the Digital Thermal Sensors of each CPU core for accurate temperature reading. You can also install different adds-on to view the temperature of your machine on your mobile phone.

The Core Temp software is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, and Windows Server.

4. HWiNFO | Temp Monitor Program for Detailed Insights on Hardware

If you are looking for software that gives you detailed information on your hardware's temperature and health, then HWiNFO is for you. With this program, you can measure the temperature of the CPU, GPU, motherboard, disk drives, etc.

This software also gives you a notification in case there is an overheating issue related to specific hardware in your PC. This program is ideal for businesses or enterprises that need a real-time CPU or GPU monitoring application.

5. IDA64 Extreme | Reliable App Monitoring Software

Only a few apps are able to monitor the voltage, power, and fan speeds apart from just giving you temperature readings. IDA64 Extreme is compatible with over 250 heat sensors that are used in almost every PC hardware available in the market.

We really liked their idea of displaying hardware insights on over 50 external screens. This means you can easily measure the performance of your hardware on tablets and smartphones as well. And this feature makes this program quite useful for enterprise users.

The program has a low price maintenance plan which makes it affordable for users who are tight on budget and don't want to spend over $50 dollars for a temperature monitoring application.

6. Rainmeter | Exact Temp Readings for CPU & GPU

Who wants to pay when you can access a free and open-source hardware monitoring application on the internet. Rainmeter gives you the correct temperature reading for the ram, disk drives, CPU, GPU, and network cards.

You can choose between different skins to perfectly match the display panel with your PC setup. Thanks to the drag and drop feature, you can easily customize the control panel of Rainmeter in a go.

If you are a non-technical person and need the best temperature monitoring tool for your hardware, get the Rainmeter. It's free to download and is compatible with Windows 7 and 10.

FAQs Related to Temp Monitor Programs

Best way to monitor gpu and cpu temps

Why You Should Install Temp Monitor Application on your PC?

The best answer is to avoid overheating and preventing your hardware from blowing up. HWiNFO, HWMontior, IDA64 Xtreme are all reliable temperature monitoring software to measure your CPU & GPU performance. So installing these applications assures the optimal performance of your hardware.

How you can see temp on your desktop PC?

Windows do not have any pre-installed software to monitor your CPU or GPU temperature. So either have to restart your PC and check temps in BIOS or you must install a temperature measuring application.

Monitoring Gpu And Cpu Temps

What else can I do to keep the temperature of my CPU ideal?

Monitor Cpu And Gpu Temps Reddit

The normal temperature of the CPU on idle mode is around 45 degrees. However, if you see your temperature rising up to 70 degrees, then you must install a good-quality CPU cooler.

Apart from this, make sure there is plenty of ventilation for the proper flow of air inside your PC case.

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